Actress Maies Hamadan

Actress Maies Hamadan denied what was published over the similarity of her new program scheduled to be filmed and presented during the coming period, and previous program “Forgiver is Generous” presented by high-profile media host George Kerdahi. She revealed that her program is considered a comedy show and is not related to humanitarian cases.

She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, she is happy for participating in a number of drama shows during the current period, including “Foxes in the Valley” and “Spotlight”, in addition to her new program scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan. She expressed her readiness to participate in many works if she found the suitable role.

She continued that she is close to end filming her role in the TV drama show “Spotlight” in which she performs the role of Hany Salama’s wife, adding that she also resumes filming her role in “Foxes in the Valley” during the current period.