Minister Hossam moghazi

The integration projects between Egypt and Sudan are based on strong foundations in light of directives issued by Egypt's Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Sudanese President Omar al Bashir, said Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi.

This came in a speech by Moghazi Sunday before the first meeting of the 56th session of the Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters.

Moghazi emphasized the time-honored relations between Egypt and Sudan.

He also said that the joint development issues remain the challenge to the governments of the two countries.

The minister pointed out to the positive outcome of his visits to Sudan, adding that he visited the promising integration areas in Sudan to revive agriculture, animal and fish projects between the two countries.

The Water Resources and Irrigation Ministry dispatched several technical missions in a number of states in Sudan to discuss ways of implementing projects as soon as possible, he added.