The latest and greatest in the spa industry include new innovations crafted to reduce body fat without surgery, pain, or downtime. There are finally options that offer hope to busy people not able to maintain a rigorous exercise regimen and/or that are not candidates for liposuction. For people battling the bulge, SpaHub has found the greatest new technology in the market for reducing unwanted body fat. Here is SpaHub’s list of today’s top non-invasive fat reducing technologies: Cryolipolysis Cryolipolysis has been FDA-approved to reduce fat in the lower abdomen and flanks using freezing temperatures to destroy fat cells. Since fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other cells in the body, the machine uses low temperatures to impair lipids in the fat cells, causing them to dissolve over time without damaging surrounding tissue. It takes 2 to 4 months for the damaged cells to completely disappear from the body and to see the full results after treatment. This technology is still limited in scope, as current applicators are designed to cover larger area spaces and therefore not able to affix themselves onto smaller pockets of fat in areas such as the lower chin. The creators of CoolSculpting, the most commonly used machine for cryolipolysis, is currently underway of releasing new applicators with various sizes and shapes that will soon be able to address additional areas of concern. There is no preparation or downtime involved in the procedure, although some patients have experienced mild swelling, redness, bruising, and/or aching in the treated area for up to 1-2 weeks post-procedure. Since freezing temperatures are not able to improve elasticity, it is not recommended to use cryolipolysis to treat areas where loose skin is an issue, as results from the fat reduction procedure would be impeded by excess skin covering the region. Ultrasound Using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy to permeate the superficial layers of skin and tissue, ultrasound technology is able to target fat cells to permanently eliminate subcutaneous fat without impacting other cells in the body. Liposonix, a main competitor using this technology, produces immediate results after only one treatment. Although most patients notice a result immediately after one hour-long treatment, it takes the body approximately 8 to 12 weeks to shed damaged fat cells, so that process needs to go through completion before patients can expect to see the full result. Most patients experience a one-inch reduction in their waistline after just one treatment of Liposonix. Radiofrequency Radiofrequency uses heat energy to destroy fat cells, leaving them damaged beyond repair. Because other cells are able to undergo higher temperatures without being destroyed, the other tissues and cells remain in-tact while the heat from radiofrequency kills off unwanted fat. VelaShape, the top producer of equipment using this technology, combines Bi-polar Radiofrequency (RF) and Infrared Light Energy with vacuum and mechanical massage to reduce or shrink fat cells in the treated area. The combination increases the metabolism of stored energy, causing lymphatic drainage to reduce unwanted bulges. Targeted specifically at adipose fat tissue, VelaShape treatments smooth the skin’s surface while reducing the presence of cellulite in the treated area. In comparison to other non-invasive options, radiofrequency holds great value in its skin-tightening capability. Radiofrequency can first be directed to increase the tightness of the skin and then if need be, redirected to target excess fat in that area to deliver maximum results. A series of RF treatments is usually recommended to achieve the desired results and maintenance treatments may be advocated to enhance the results down the road. While individual results may vary, the advancements in non-invasive fat reduction are undeniably effective in treating unwanted fat. People should discuss non-invasive treatment options with a professional to determine whether they are a good candidate for any of the procedures. The new fat reducing technologies offer exciting opportunities for people not able to fight off stubborn bulges using only diet and exercise. Source:PRWEB