Outdoor furniture

Outdoor furniture becomes with no doubt essential elements nowadays in every home. Our outdoor area is now our homely retreat where we gather with family and friends enjoying the days of summer and the fresh air under the moonlight. Therefore, outdoor furniture needs to be picked wisely and we have to keep it cleaned and protected.

Here arises the important question How to clean and maintain your outdoor furniture! The outdoor furniture cleaning and maintaining may seem to be harder than the indoor ones. Becausethese pieces of furniture are exposed to the different weather climates. Then, you have to know that the cleaning of the outdoor furniture varies depending on the type of this furniture.

This means you have to know first your outdoor furniture you dealing with to know the proper cleaning task to apply. As we all know there are various types of outdoor furniture from plastic and metal onesto the wooden outdoor furniture. The plastic outdoor furniture cleaning the easiest one from all of these types, it just needs a washing detergent and clean water to begin this cleaning task. But above all, you need to remove the cushion away and clean them separately. This is applied to all the types of furniture; clean the cushionsby soaking in warmwater with a washing detergent and then let them dry by its own in the sun.

Then, what about the wrought iron outdoor furniture cleaning! If you have wrought iron outdoor furniture you have to clean it properly not to ruin it. For cleaning this type of furniture, you should use a gentle washing detergent and scrub it softly. Then, you need to apply an automotive paste wax for more protection and to keep it last for a longer time.

At last, the wooden furniture is also another type which need to be cleaned by the following; first, remove the dust, then, use a paper sand to remove any scratches, finally use a wooden detergent to clean it by a soft sponge. And you need to keep in your mind to store your outdoor furniture well and use covers to protect the furniture as possible.










Source :Interior Design 4