This is a common dilemma for many women. First, you need to sort through all your make-up, remembering that cosmetics do have an expiry date. A clear-out might be in order. Next, make the most of the make-up you've decided to keep, as well as your jewellery and accessories. "Research shows we only ever wear 20 per cent of the make-up and jewellery we own," says Sascha Griffin, founder of storage-solutions company Pinklily. "But if it's well displayed and you can see it, you'll be tempted to use it. Make-up could be divided into clear plastic trays such as the Pinklily Kiss & Makeup trays or a system with little pull-out drawers. Jewellery can be stored on dedicated acrylic bangle, ring and earring holders, or in clear acrylic jewellery organisers with drawers." Or, make a statement and drape your jewellery over an attractive jewellery tree, available from specialist gift shops and homewares stores.