DANAT celebrates Bahrain’s Women’s Day

The Bahrain Institute For Pearls & Gemstones (DANAT) celebrates Bahrain’s Women’s Day by recognizing the hard work and dedication of its female employees. In a special ceremony, honouring the Institute’s diverse and committed workforce, female employees, who make up 56% of the overall staff, were recognised.
DANAT CEO, Kenneth Scarratt stated, “It is heartening to see how we in the Kingdom of Bahrain take time out to celebrate the overwhelming contribution that women make to family life, society in general and the work place. Bahrain’s Women’s Day is special in today’s world and should be a treasured occasion that gives us time to reflect upon our life experiences, from birth through our schooling, our friendships and acquaintances, our work place skills and ultimately our retirement years; and how nothing would be possible without the immeasurable contributions of this incredible gender.”

DANAT employee, Latifa Falamarzi, described the work environment, noting, “As a Bahraini woman, working at DANAT’s laboratory has been both inspiring and empowering. I am looking forward to all future development in the field of gemmology with the great team of leaders and colleagues who comprise DANAT.”