\"Aww!\" came to mind when we read that Robert Pattinson hates being shirtless since he doesn\'t have a six-pack. Apparently, it doesn\'t matter that besides these guys, he\'s one of the hottest men in the world. We pumped our friends at ModernMan.com for more details on guys\' biggest body hang-ups. His Butt Guys know we like a good rear view, and they\'re wary of \"pancake butt.\" That\'s why they\'re willing to shell out $100 bucks for Bonobos jeans—they promise to make their tush look tight. His Abs Even if he hasn\'t been to the gym since New Year\'s, guys still want to wow you when they whip off their shirts. His Hands It seems random, but guys can be sensitive about having hands and wrists that are on the dainty side. And then there\'s that whole \"big hands, big penis\" myth to contend with... His Hair If he has it, he wants to keep it—and flaunt the hell out of it. If he doesn\'t, he\'s he\'s trying his best to save what he has left. His Facial Hair This goes back to his teenage years when he was dying to grow just about anything on his face. That excitement never wore off, but he feels unmanly if it grows in patchy. His Excess Fur Back hair, bushy chest hair, nose hair, nipple hair…yeah, they know it\'s not pretty. His Height You know how your ideal man is at least slightly taller than you when you\'re wearing heels? Yeah, they\'re aware of that, too. His Diet Guys can be worse than girls when it comes to looking good for bikini season. While you\'re working your butt off at the gym, he\'s doing it, too—and secretly starving himself so he looks good in his board shorts.