For the majority of us, no one whips up a meal as delicious as mum, as dad tends to order pizza or put in TV dinners into the microwave. Well, as a dog owner, your four legged friend’s world comprises only of you – he or she does not have a favorite TV series, and neither can a Kong toy last him/her all day long. So why not forget about those preservatives laden dog treats in the market, and make your own dog treats instead? Don’t have the tools to get started? Hammacher’s got something right up your alley – the $59.95 Homemade Pet Treats Maker. This countertop dehydrator will let you gain control over the quality of treats your pets consume, where it will gently blow warmed air through the five ventilated trays in order to gradually remove moisture from homemade foods that are made using only the finest ingredients of your choice. This will in turn preserve the snacks, transforming their texture into the kind of chewy, crunchy foods that will result in strong teeth, reduced plaque while adding a healthful supplement to a pet’s diet. Each purchase will come with a book of 25 inventive recipes to get you started as well, now how about that?