International Theatre Institute

The International Theatre Institute, ITI, has organised a celebration of World Theatre Day at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, UNESCO, in Paris.

The celebration was attended by Mohammed Saif Al Afkham, President of the ITI, and the French Ambassador to UNESCO and French actress, Isabelle Huppert, who wrote the message for this year’s World Theatre Day, in addition to representatives of ITI centres.

Al Afkham stressed the importance of theatre, which is considered a mirror that reflects the reality of society through what it presents in theatrical shows that rely on reality, by highlighting the important role of the ITI in introducing international culture and arts and supporting professional theatrical training programmes.

He added that the celebration of World Theatre Day immortalises the memory of theatrical heroes and their various, diverse, creative and moving performances on stage while adding that theatre is the most diverse, rich and fertile form of art, which fits every artistic work that carries all the great humanitarian values within itself.

He added that world theatre has an important stature in achieving its planned educational and moral goals, and is one of the most important media tools that elevates its audience and helps establish the national identity.

He highlighted the importance of the theatre’s humanitarian message in spreading collective awareness between people, away from the scenes of daily terrorism, corpses and blood that happen in some countries.

He praised the message of Isabelle Huppert on World Theatre Day, which promotes the rejection of hatred and the achievement of peace, love and affection between the peoples of the world.

During the celebration, three theatre works from China, Africa and Russia were performed.