Egyptian actress Dalia Mustafa

Egyptian actress Dalia Mustafa revealed that she began the filming of her role in the Part II of the TV drama show “Red Sulfur”, saying that this part of the TV drama show will witness increasing surprises. She stressed that the show will be a turning point in her career, as she was aspiring to participate in a drama work discussing the issues of goblin.

She added that the new series was supposed to be presented in 30 episodes, while the producing company demanded to increase the episodes to be 60 upon a request from the satellite channels. She added that scenarist turned to amend the scenario. She added that the show discusses the different viewpoints over the ghosts.

She added that she is keen to diversify her roles, stressing that the actor should not repeat his roles. She stressed that diversification of roles is necessary for the actor to meet the aspiration of the fans. She praised her role in the TV drama show “Red Sulphur”.

She expressed, during her interview with “Muslimchronicle”, her pleasure for the positive reactions to her role during the first part of the series presented recently in the satellite channel. She added that her role in the series is fully different from her previous roles. She stressed her keenness to choose her roles carefully.

She added that the series was scheduled to be presented in only one part, while it was composed of 60 episodes pushing the producers to divide it into two parties. She added that the filming of the new part came upon request from the fans, stressing that such request proves the success of its first part.

She added that she did not feel frustration over the delay of the series, stressing that she was confident that the show will achieve notable success. She added that she was keen to support her colleagues who were feeling frustration to resume the filming of series.

She added that she did not feel concern over the accusations against the series of promoting quackery and sorcery, saying that a large number of intellectuals and cultured people believe in such matters. She revealed that she also believes in the presence of ghosts, while they have no relation with the humans.