Mark Vot

Coach of Moroccan team for under 20 years Mark Vot said that his team will face a difficult match against Senegal in the framework of Francophone Games held currently in Ivory Coast. He added that his team is not lucky to play its first match against Senegal on Monday.

He added that his team is qualified for competing during the current championship and to achieving positive results during the coming matches, saying that they will perform well during the coming match against Senegal to achieve positive result.

He stressed that the team’s participation in the championship is considered an important step for the team to be prepared for the coming matches. He added that the strong matches provide good opportunity for the team to perform well during the coming formal matches.

He expressed his keenness to prepare his players for the coming match, saying that he is confident that his players are able to achieve positive results during the match and to qualify for the coming round. He said that he has a number of talented players who can represent the Moroccan first national team.

He added that the matches against the African teams are considered good opportunity for the players to be aware of African atmosphere for the coming champioships.