Dr. Sufian Al Zouribi

Dr. Sufian Al Zouribi, a specialist in psychosocial and sexual therapy, revealed that marital rape is the act of sexual intercourse with one's spouse without the consent of the other spouse, indicating that it is an animal behavior. He added that it is a form of domestic violence and sexual abuse, where the husband finds pleasure in sex with infidelity and violence, and enjoys the pain of his partner in a relationship full of tears, screaming and crying.

In an exclusive interview with Muslimchronicle, Al Zouribi stressed that spousal rape does not matter any special segment, and that it has no relation to the cultural and moral level or to religiosity, indicating that it is not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness and lack of sexual culture and personality disorder.

"Spousal rape reflects the lack of communication between the parties, which emphasizes the existence of a problem in the sexual relationship due to the dry feelings among couples, and the widening gap between them," Al Zouribi added.

He stressed that sexual relations based on harassment, sadism and anomalies are outside the framework of the normal marital relationship to fall within the framework of so-called sexual violence. "Sexual violence is a concept that clearly indicates the existence of problems and difficulties within the marital relationship, which is usually dominated by violence and lack of communication," he stated.

Al Zouribi said that many Tunisians women find themselves prisoners of violence, including rape, often at the hands of their husbands. "Only one out of four women who are physically abused by their husbands," he said.