Professor of Psychiatry Mohamed Al Mahdy

Professor of Psychiatry Mohamed Al Mahdy said that the religion is scared, as it represents the God’s word to the people, saying that it does not change upon the whims of people. However, he added, the religious discourse is the mean to deliver the God’s word to the people, saying that this discourse should be reviewed.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, the major standard to measure the authenticity of religious discourse is the people’s behavior who receive the religious speech. He said, “If the people’s behavior is confused and distorted, the religious discourse should be corrected.”

He continued, “The first step to reform the religious discourse is to monitor the people’s behavior and to realize behavioral disorders to pave the way for returning to the religious speech to correct it.” He added that the religious scholars are sensitive in dealing with these issues, as they mix between the religion itself on one hand and the religious discourse on the other hand.

He added that the religious discourse is a result of a human action, as many people use this discourse to adapt the religious texts upon their whims. He stressed that the scholars feel that the Egyptian community blames the religious discourse for the different problems witnessed in the society which also needs huge reforms in different fields.

He clarified that the Egyptian community needs a large number of reforms on social, political, economic and educational levels. He stressed that the reform of religious discourse is not the responsibility of only scholars, while extends to Psychologists, sociologists and educational experts.

He added that 67 percent of terrorist actions witnessed in the world are in the Arab world, saying that the Arab countries are major exporters of terrorism to all over the world, saying that the terrorism has Psychological reasons away from the religious discourse.