Eating tomatoes can help reduce the risk of cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, scientists have revealed. Not only that but cooked or processed tomatoes are actually better for you than raw ones. U.S researchers found the juicy vegetable is the biggest source of powerful antioxidant dietary lycopene, and unlike other fruit and vegetables it has greater potency after it is cooked. Scientists at the National Centre of Food and Safety in Illinois said the nutrient contains protective mechanisms that help prevent inflammation and blood clots. A strong link has already been established between the wonder veg and a lower risk of certain diseases such as prostate cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. Dr Britt Burton-Freeman and and Dr Kristin Reimers, who carried out the review, said: 'Leveraging emerging science about tomatoes and tomato products may be one simple and effective strategy to help individuals increase vegetable intake, leading to improved overall eating patterns, and ultimately, better health.