4-story residence

Redesigned and extended by Jensen C. Vasil Architect, this inspiring four-story residence in New Jersey, United States exudes elegance and diversity. An eclectic mix of furniture, the place is a visual treat no matter where you look. While part of the rooms have a classic black&white background, others feature charming brick and wood finishes. Some of the detailing of the old building were carefully preserved and highlighted in the design scheme, which makes this project an example of contemporary architecture.
As you enter this New Jersey home, you are greeted by a refined interior with a fireplace in the middle. It is here that the classic influence reigns, with a massive stairway to the left guiding guests towards the next levels. Dinner is served on a large table for eight, surrounded by works of art and royally illuminated by a chandelier. The bedrooms have different styles, some- the one in the photo below for example- even encompassing industrial elements.
Source: Freshome