Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi of Egypt has stressed the need for both his country and India to launch initiatives to communicate correct religious interpretations. 

"I would like to extend to the people of India a message of friendship, respect and appreciation from the people of Egypt. Our two nations are cradles of two of the world's most ancient civilizations and our peoples are bound by a long history of friendship and cultural exchange," Sisi told Economic Times of India. 

"It is therefore imperative to build on the strong foundations we have to enhance political, economic, cultural and social ties and to boost cooperation to serve mutual as well as regional interests", Sisi said.

"I am hopeful that this visit will give new momentum to our partnership and already excellent relations at all levels."

Sisi believes there is an urgent need today more than ever for concerted efforts by the international community to address the menace of terrorism. 

More efforts need to be exerted to cut off the sources of funding and the flow of arms to terrorist organizations and groups wherever they are. The fight against terrorism and extremism should be extended to cyber space, where these groups use technology to recruit young people, he said. 

Terrorism must be addressed through a comprehensive approach that is not limited to military confrontations or security operations, but also encompasses economic, social, development, intellectual and cultural dimensions, Sisi added.

He touched upon Egypt's call for an intellectual revision and dialogue in order to rectify the religious discourse and purge the image of Islam from the distortions and wrong concepts that violate the real essence of the religion and its righteous teachings that encourage tolerance and promote co-existence and peace. 

Asked about Kashmir, Sisi said Egypt believes in the importance of maintaining stability and security in the south Asian region. We believe that it is vital for all parties concerned to exert their utmost efforts in order to reach a political settlement through peaceful means.

Source: MENA