Fly Away Free

In the United States alone families adopted more than 7,000 children in 2012. Some of these children will face struggles with understanding their adoption. Tessie Farrell knows exactly how they feel.
“Fly Away Free”, the novel by Anne Turner Coppola, begins with Tessie Farrell, an older woman living in South Florida during the cold winter months of northern New York. When taking her morning walk with her dog, Heidi, she rescues a baby osprey. After taking the baby osprey home and caring for the bird, she lies down to rest and is transported back in time, as a young girl growing up on a dairy farm in northern New York.
In “Fly Away Free”, Coppola invites readers to follow Tessie Farrell, a young girl devastated after learning she is adopted, and of her struggles to understand why she was unwanted by her biological parents. Bullied by her classmates and isolated from other children, Tessie creates a fantasy world with the aid of her pet horse, Dolly and two pet geese.
Through Tessie’s courage and determination, the love of her adoptive parents, and the friendship of an older woman, Tessie overcomes her struggles to discover who she is and her place in her family.
Source: PRWEB