September 1,2017
Travelling on business will be more pleasant than you expect. An upbeat guide will show you all the spots preferred by locals. Eating at excellent restaurants will be especially enjoyable. If there's anything you enjoy, it's a meal prepared with fresh ingredients. When you return home, you'll have fun recreating these recipes in your own kitchen. Signing an agreement will cause your status to rise at work. You have a knack for working well with even the most difficult clients.
Weekly Horoscopes
Arguing with an expert will get you in trouble. Although you may disagree with a seasoned expert's ideas, you should be careful about challenging them in a public venue. Develop your own theory in private. When you have covered all the angles, you'll be able to present this as a powerful counterargument. At least two more moneymaking opportunities are on the way. You'll be able to accept both job offers, as long as you carefully manage your time.
Emails, text messages and letters sent and received will lead to pleasing romantic developments. Your communication skills are at an all-time high; that's why you and your partner are getting on better than ever. Are you single? Your magnetic personality will attract admirers to you like a flower attracts bees. When you find someone new, spend as much time with each other as possible. Emotional bonds will not be formed instantly but in time, you will have a lot to appreciate about each other.
September 2017 Horoscope
A home improvement job will keep your spirits high at the beginning of September. You'll find all sorts of innovative ways to make your living space more comfortable and efficient. The Full Moon on the 6th will prompt you to attend a gathering or get together, perhaps against the wishes of your romantic partner. It's important to maintain ties with people who have loved and supported you for years. The sooner your amour understands what an important priority this is, the better. If you've been longing to buy a home, a relative could give you the money for a down payment toward the middle of the month. Be sure to express your appreciation. On the 20th, the New Moon will tempt you to take a gamble. Instead of risking your money or emotions, play it safe. Otherwise, you could be heading for a bitter disappointment. A job you never expected to end will do just that as October approaches; be prepared.