May 30, 2016
Financial security is very important to you. Sometimes you're tempted to pursue work that is terribly dull for the sake of your bottom line. You have an opportunity to earn money from a creative pursuit. Stop telling yourself it is unrealistic to be happy in your job. You can make a good living doing what you love. Give yourself permission to pursue a job in the arts. Working for a neighbourhood or charitable organisation could also be rewarding, both economically and emotionally.
Weekly Horoscopes
You'll get a lot of pleasure from sharing your expertise with others. It is comforting to know that other people will be able to continue your work long into the future. Beware of trying to fill an emotional void with expensive luxuries. Retail therapy may sound good but it won't make you happy. You're better off exercising your creative talent. Making things of beauty brings out the best in you. Gather some supplies and get to work. Don't wait for inspiration to strike; just start moving.
You could do with having more fun and you need people around you. If you've just moved to a new area, think about taking a writing, art or photography class. If you're married with kids, invite neighbours round for a takeaway or supper around the kitchen table. Are you single and lonely? Start inviting friends round on a regular basis. Devoting more time to others will be therapeutic. Soon everyone will make it a habit to converge at your abode and you will feel less alone.
May 2016 Horoscope
Love, romance and adventure are yours for the asking in May. If you're thinking about updating your appearance, the New Moon on the 6th presents the perfect opportunity to do so. Don't be afraid to spend a little more money than usual on clothes, toiletries and spa treatments. Your creative powers will be more impressive than ever; devote more time to painting, playing music and designing works of beauty. Are you looking for love? You could find it at a garden, park or campground. If you're already in a relationship, you and your amour will enjoy a relaxing break together. The Full Moon on the 21st will attract money from an inheritance, legal settlement or refund. Save this windfall for equipment repairs, it's important to keep your car, computer and appliances in good working condition. A disagreement over values could put strain on a friendship or romance towards the end of the month.