August 29, 2016
Taking a course for pleasure will lift your spirits. It's important for you to have interests apart from home and work. Pursue a subject that has fascinated you since childhood. You'll not only enjoy what you learn, but you'll feel an affinity with your teacher and fellow students. Don't be surprised if some firm friendships start here and now. You'll hit it off right away with someone who shares your offbeat sense of humour. You should think about spending even more time together.
Weekly Horoscopes
It may be difficult to get accurate information. Conflicting opinions cause confusion. If you can't postpone a decision, trust your instincts. A stuffy colleague may heap scorn on your methods. Don't let their petty criticisms bother you. Reasonable people know you are making the best of a difficult situation. Lean on your family for support. Their encouragement will help you withstand all the stress you're experiencing. Count your blessings. You are loved.
Where there are disagreements count to ten before speaking your mind. Someone's stubborn attitude makes it difficult to hold your tongue. Getting angry will not solve anything. If you want to remain together, don't give in to anger and blurt out what's on your mind. This could mark the end of a romance or friendship that's already hanging in the balance. If you can't imagine ever agreeing, stop trying to make this relationship work. It might be better to part ways.
August 2016 Horoscope
An unexpected windfall will give you more money for luxuries in early August. This would be a wonderful time to upgrade your car, computer or phone. You might also buy some new appliances for your home. The New Moon on the 2nd attracts an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Your new employer will offer you some advanced training. Acquiring these skills will greatly increase your value to the job market. It's possible you may decide to move home during August. Moving closer to your job will save time, money and aggravation. Your gift for leadership will earn fame and acclaim during the second half of August. Don't be surprised if you're given an award or bonus. A Lunar Eclipse on the 18th will bring an end to a business alliance, allowing you a greater measure of freedom. Heavy responsibilities at work will keep you busy as August turns to September. Spending time with friends in your free time can keep stress at bay.