December 30, 2016
You're valued for your insight and expertise. Although you enjoy being helpful, you have your own work to do. The next time someone asks for your assistance, explain you are very busy and have to charge a fee for your service. Getting paid for your work will allow you to travel and study. Anyone who accuses you of being selfish or greedy doesn't have your best interests at heart. There's no reason you should give away valuable information without enriching yourself.
Weekly Horoscopes
Spend quality time with the one you love over Christmas. Put work on the back burner. It's time to satisfy your need to be cherish and be cherished. Big shakeups could occur on the career front. You may decide to take some time off work to attend to domestic responsibilities in 2017. Someone close can help you make an important transition. Listen to what they have to say and focus on your personal life. It holds the key to your long term happiness.
Tension in the workplace is as stimulating as it is annoying. You and a colleague seem to clash whenever you meet. This could be a case of attraction in opposites. Arrange to meet outside business hours and this could put a whole new slant on this relationship. If you are in a committed relationship, put your feelings into words. You will cultivate a new level of intimacy that results in you both making some exciting plans for the year ahead.
December 2016 Horoscope
It will be difficult to find fulfilling work at the beginning of December. Your love life will fare much better. If you've recently met someone you fancy, you will have to be the aggressor. Don't be afraid to pursue your heart's desire. Spending time with your amour will make professional challenges more manageable. The Full Moon on the 14th will allow you to rest, relax and recuperate from a stressful assignment. This would be a good time to take some time out to think things through. During the second half of the month, you'll be on a more solid footing with your career. You might have to work overtime during the second half of the month. Fortunately, your loved ones will be very supportive. Are you single? You could meet someone special near the 29th, when the New Moon attracts lots of romantic attention. If you already have a partner, go on a trip with your amour