November 29, 2016
Take better care of your health. The holiday season is approaching, putting you in the path of continual temptation. Set limits on eating and drinking. It can help to have a healthy snack before attending parties and professional gathering. Limiting your alcohol intake is also advised. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself, but you have to know your limits. Feeling well will help you make a good impression on someone who can further your career prospects.
Weekly Horoscopes
If you don't have the time or energy to tidy up, think about hiring a cleaning service. Treat the cost as an investment in contentment and happiness. You can't relax in chaotic surroundings. Turn a deaf ear to people who criticise this expense. Their priorities are different from yours. Fortunately, money from a grant, loan or scholarship could suddenly become available. This will cause you to breathe a huge sigh of relief. Take this opportunity to expand your skill set.
Someone thinks the world of you, which is flattering. Everyone needs to feel worshipped from time to time. If you aren't interested in them romantically, don't tease or flirt with them. Encourage friendship but nothing more. Great care should be taken in all new relationships. Be honest and you will leave a good impression of yourself. A joint long-range goal is within reach and you will be taking your partnership obligations very seriously.
November 2016 Horoscope
An exciting opportunity to travel will arrive at the beginning of November; there's never been a better time to take a dream holiday. If you're single, you will meet someone special on this journey. Are you already in a relationship? You and your amour will enjoy a second honeymoon. If you're looking for work during the first half of the month, you'll have to be particularly aggressive. Don't be afraid to discuss your talent and accomplishments during job interviews. The Full Moon on the 14th brings a successful conclusion to a group project. As a result, bigger and better opportunities will be offered to you. Be selective about which jobs you accept. It's important to hold out for work that offers a creative challenge. Don't let your romantic partner eclipse your needs towards the end of the month. The New Moon on the 29th will prompt you to get attention for a health matter.