June 30,2017
Ideas are coming fast and furious. A rival will not appreciate your enthusiasm. They'll do everything they can to take the wind out of your sails. Although it will be difficult, you must make every effort to ignore them. You're tired of being pushed around by someone who obviously resents you. Stop trying to figure out what you've done to offend this enemy. You're not dealing with a rational person. When someone is deeply unhappy, they project their problem onto others.
Weekly Horoscopes
The spotlight is trained firmly on you. Take this opportunity to apply for roles, interview for jobs or even seduce someone who has caught your eye. This is your chance to asset your needs and pursue your dreams. Family won't be supportive; certain relatives resent your success. Instead of falling victim to their guilt trips, summon your courage. Stop apologising for your ambition. Keep going after what you want, even if your attempts are met with derision. You'll have the last laugh.
Parts of your world are changing. This includes a close relationship. Confusion makes you anxious and you resent the fact that some people are trying to make your decisions for you. Although you dislike discord, you need to stand up to someone who is throwing their weight around. Misunderstandings could relate to a legal or financial arrangement made in the past. If you feel someone is trying to deceive you, this should be looked at by a professional.
June 2017 Horoscope
It's the power of your personality that will win over sceptics and attract admirers at the beginning of June. Be more assertive than usual and don't take no for an answer; this is your chance to get your agenda met. On the 9th, you could experience some physical problems. Get a medical consultation for a nagging ache or pain. Working behind the scenes toward the middle of the month will be instructive. Team up with an unconventional leader who is more interested in innovation than tradition. The New Moon on the 24th is ideal for starting a job or assuming another role. Your ideas will be well received by your colleagues. Word of your talent will spread, making you a hot commodity in both your personal and professional lives. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, this will be the perfect time to take the plunge. Integrate your name into the title and logo; it's the key to your success.