July 31,2017
You’re extra sensitive. Be careful about the company you keep. Spending time with a cynic will poison your outlook. It’s much better to surround yourself with upbeat optimists who believe in the power of kindness. When you’re too overwhelmed to socialise, feel free to enjoy solitary pleasures. Reading, listening to music and spending time with pets will recharge your batteries. It will also inspire you to exercise your own creativity. Painting, writing, baking and handicrafts will have a therapeutic effect.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your star power is burning brighter than ever. Don't be shy about asking for what you want. This is the best time of the entire year to apply for work, ask someone out, promote a creative project or launch a business. Your success is virtually guaranteed. Leisure time will be at a premium. At times, you'll wonder if all your diligence will pay off. Instead of envisioning the finish line, focus on taking one step at a time. You'll be less overwhelmed.
Be on your best behaviour as you will be mixing socially with an influential executive. If you’re doing some home entertaining, find out what your guests like to eat before you start planning meals. You’re an incredibly sociable person but you also need to relax and recuperate your energy. Your lifestyle is more active now but you know your limitations. One way or another you will get a balance between work and play. 
July 2017 Horoscope
Your working environment will feel oppressive at the beginning of July, due to a cantankerous colleague. It's time to file an official complaint. If you can't put space between you and them, start looking for another position. On the 9th, you'll feel able to wrap up your duties and move on to a bigger and better opportunity. Don't worry if it takes a while to get your bearings toward the middle of the month. A little patience and persistence will pay off; it will take a long time to get accustomed to new surroundings or changed circumstances. The New Moon on the 23rd will find you stepping into an enjoyable role. Serving as a spokesperson for a company or cause will be a great use of your star power. The closing days of the month will let you slow down your pace. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. A break will allow you to take full advantage of all the magic that awaits you in August.