October 1,2017
Give yourself a pat on the back for successfully balancing your personal and professional lives. Although you enjoy making money, you'll never do so at the expense of your family. When your boss wants you to spend more time at the office, you always check your personal diary before agreeing. There's no way you would ever skip a child's recital, performance or game for the sake of your job. When you're happy at home, your professional performance soars. Keep up the good work.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your star power is burning bright. Use it to promote a personal or professional agenda. It doesn't matter if you're looking for love, money or creative opportunity; any wish can come true now. Spend a few minutes each day envisioning your ideal life. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. A steady moneymaking opportunity will come your way. This work will require close attention to detail. If you can hire an assistant, choose somebody who is able to spot small flaws at a glance.
You instinctively sense you're going to get on well with someone you've just met. It's probably too early to tell whether a platonic relationship will lead to romance. Still, if you have a good feeling about this relationship, its long-term prospects could be good. Activities away from home keep you on your toes but you're starting to sense tension in the family. An older relative is trying to clip your wings but they aren't likely to have much success.
October 2017 Horoscope
Finances are looking good in the first few days of October making this is a great time to land a new and better paid job, ask for a rise or increase your fees. On the 5th, the Full Moon will bring a disappointing decision about a legal or official matter. Look at this is an opportunity to make a fresh start. You'll get an exciting chance to embark on your dream career toward the middle of the month. Work involving research, restoration or revivals will be especially rewarding. The New Moon on the 19th will darken your normally sunny outlook. Try not to feel too gloomy. Listening to uplifting music, watching upbeat movies and reading inspirational books will be welcome diversions from troubling current events. As October turns to November, you'll get a chance to improve your work conditions. Confront a colleague who has been saying unpleasant things behind your back. It's time to clear the air.