September 30, 2016
Your optimistic, expansive personality attracts lots of admirers. This a wonderful time to venture into unknown territory. You’ll meet people who are eager to help you, both personally and professionally. Turn a deaf ear to a cautious relative who thinks you shouldn’t take any risks. Contrary to what they believe, maintaining the status quo isn’t safe right now. If you don’t try something new, you will miss a golden opportunity. Apply for a dream job, relocate to a beautiful area or ask someone for a date.
Weekly Horoscopes
You positively radiate charm, wit and sophistication. Don't be surprised if you attract amorous attention from all sides. This is a wonderful time to treat yourself to a salon visit or spa treatment. Your home life could undergo a radical overhaul. Change your schedule to accommodate a relative or roommate with special requirements. You'll probably enjoy leading an offbeat lifestyle. A freelance work assignment will bring in extra money, much to your delight.
You're head over heels in love. Nothing more than that is necessary. You don't want to think about practicalities. Just being with your one and only is all you ever want and wish for. Enjoy this fairy tale stage in your relationship but be realistic. It cannot last. You might joke about winning the lottery but sooner or later you've got to make work, family and earning a living a priority. Romance is bliss but beware of getting lost in a fog of fantasy.
September 2016 Horoscope
A Solar Eclipse on the 1st prompts you to take more time for solitary pursuits. You're very impressionable. Being surrounded by persuasive people can undermine your ability to make healthy decisions. Get some distance from people who don't have your best interests at heart. It will be easier to become assertive as mid-month approaches. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th brings an end to a draining relationship. Although this situation will be upsetting, it is also an opportunity to heal from some deep pain. Spending time on solitary pursuits can be therapeutic. Take this opportunity to cultivate your considerable creative talent. If you've ever wanted to buy your own place, you will be able to as September draws to a close. Take this opportunity to build some long term security for yourself. Fame and acclaim could arrive as a result of an impressive accomplishment. Get ready for your close up. Use this publicity as a springboard to bigger and better assignments.