July 25, 2016
You enjoy being the life of the party. People gravitate to you like moths to a flame. They enjoy your warmth, humour and relaxed attitude. If you see a newcomer who looks uncomfortable, welcome them into the fold. Ask questions about their interests. Introduce them to other members of the group. Your thoughtful behaviour will be rewarded sooner than you think. Someone who admires your friendly energy will offer you a job or travel opportunity 
Weekly Horoscope
An exciting romance could be heading your way. You admire someone's sense of adventure, while they appreciate your great sense of humour. Are you already in a relationship? This is a wonderful time to plan an overseas trip. Visiting an unusual destination can strengthen your bond. Be sure to answer an intriguing job advertisement. You might be a perfect fit for this position. Play up your communication skills at the interview.
A partner loves working with you and you don’t want to disappoint them but you’re ready to move on to something different. Hide your feelings as someone who is close to you is feeling very sensitive. Be patient as a short trip for pleasure is on the horizon. In fact, all sorts of unexpected things are brewing in your life and it will be easier to get a partner’s support if you go along with their wishes now.
July 2016 Horoscope
The opening days of July will be passionate ones. An intense relationship will prompt you to devote all your energy to an attentive partner. The New Moon on the 4th will be ideal for meeting someone special. If you're already in a serious relationship, you and your amour can spend more time focused on fulfilling each other's desires. By mid-month, you'll have an opportunity to expand your horizons. Taking an advanced course, traveling abroad and publishing a piece of writing are among the possibilities. Your finances will improve on the 19th, when the Full Moon attracts a lucrative job or big salary. If you want admission to an exclusive organisation or university, apply during the second half of July, when your prospects will be strong. A job search will be fruitful in the final days of the month. This would also be a good time to run for public office.