August 29, 2016
Making career plans is strongly advised. If you're comfortable in your current position, think about what you can do to branch into different areas. Launching a side business or introducing a new service will be an exciting challenge for you. You've never been content to remain still. A born explorer, you're eager to break new ground. Those closest to you have faith in your ability to cultivate new business. Ask for their support. They'll approve a bold proposal involving lots of travel.
Weekly Horoscope
Work can be a source of strain. You might have to take orders from a micromanager. Nothing reduces morale like trust issues. Your employer's lack of faith could prompt you to look for another job. Be patient in your search. You should hold out for a job at an established company. Working for a start-up operation will be more trouble than it is worth. It's time to practice patience. Reading, watching movies and listening to music can lift your spirits.
The more time you spend with a new partner, the more chance Cupid will have to work a little magic. Your best friend may not approve of a new relationship. You think it's wonderfully romantic. The connection between you feels magical and you won't let anyone or anything interfere with this romance. If you're in a committed relationship, arrange something special for your partner. The sky is the limit. Romance captivates your imagination. Post your profile on an internet dating site if you are single.
August 2016 Horoscope
An exciting opportunity to travel for pleasure will arrive in early August. You will find excellent deals on hotel rooms and plane fares on the 2nd, thanks to the New Moon. If you're looking for work, you could find it during the first half of the month. Be selective about the position you ultimately select. Unless you hold out for the perfect offer, you could get stuck in a dead end position. Opportunities related to education, publishing and travel are worth exploring. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th brings an end to a group creative project. Use this achievement as a springboard to bigger and better assignments. Getting paid to teach an advanced course will greatly appeal to you. Family may not be very supportive of your career move. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings and listen to your heart. It's important to do what you love, even if it defies people's expectations.