August 29, 2016
Listen to the powerful emotions that are welling up inside you. Lately, you've felt like you've had to assume a false front. Now you have an opportunity to come clean. Being honest will be liberating. Instead of trying to hide your feelings, you'll be able to share them in a meaningful way. If you've been harbouring a crush on someone, it's time to bring it to light. Happily, the object of your affection is similarly besotted. This will be a match made in heaven.
Weekly Horoscopes
Getting out of debt may be difficult. Resist the temptation to borrow money. Friendship and finance do not mix. You may have to put yourself on a tight budget to repay everything you owe. Getting another credit card will only compound the problem. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities in an educational, cultural or religious organisation. Working abroad is another good option. Do what is necessary to gain the security you desire.
You're being careful with your cash and can prove it is possible to live on a budget and still enjoy the occasional treat. You enjoy the challenge of being as resourceful as possible with your money. What dismays you is to see your partner squandering your resources. Their careless spending will cancel out any gains you make on the financial front this week. Creating separate bank accounts might be the answer. Turn away a pushy friend who is trying to rule your life.
August 2016 Horoscope
A romantic relationship will be a profound source of pleasure in early August. The New Moon on the 2nd could prompt you to get engaged or married. If you're already in a serious relationship, your amour will encourage you to pursue a cherished dream. Take their advice and accept their support. Money will be rather tight during the first half of the month. Your first priority will be to pay bills as quickly as possible. Fortunately, your romantic or business partner can help you cover expenses. A Lunar Eclipse on the 19th will bring an end to a period of obscurity. Take this opportunity to make bold proposals and share exciting ideas. Thinking outside of the box could put you on a whole new path. Don't pay attention to friends who urge you to spend money on expensive status symbols. You'd rather conserve your resources for travel, music and sporting activities