October 31, 2016
You’re intent on reaching new career heights. Whether this means spending more time at the office, getting an advanced degree or launching your own business is immaterial. The important thing is to move towards a lofty goal with determination and precision. It will be necessary to make some temporary sacrifices in your personal life. Tell your loved ones about your dream and explain why you won’t be as readily available as you have in the past. They’ll give their full support.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your career prospects seem set to improve. Don't be afraid to apply for a new position or ask for a bigger salary. You have considerable talent and should be paid accordingly for it. If you're asked to help out a political organisation, accept. You're very good at serving the needs of the entire community. That's because you take a logical approach to your work. An opportunity to make the world a better place appeals to your humanitarian side.
You would never deliberately make waves but emotionally you are being pulled in two directions. A choice must be made and once you've made this decision, someone is going to be disappointed. You long for a change in your personal life. Your amour wants everything to remain as it is. You want to please them but this will mean sacrificing your needs for theirs. If anyone really cares for you, they will be willing to compromise. Follow your heart.
October 2016 Horoscope
The New Moon on the 1st prompts you to expand your horizons. Taking up a course of study, exploring different spiritual philosophies and traveling overseas are among the possibilities. Exploring unfamiliar vistas will make you aware of options you didn't previously see. Don't let fear get in the way of taking risks during the first half of October. Treat mistakes as learning opportunities. The Full Moon on the 16th will prompt you to make changes to your daily routine. Divest yourself of odious responsibilities that make you tired and anxious. Career opportunities will start arriving during the second half of October. Don't be hasty about accepting the first offer that comes along. You should set your sights on a position that draws upon your unique vision and strong managerial skills. A social gathering at the end of the month will put you in contact with influential people. A well connected friend will be happy to write you a reference.