Sevillanas Flamenclorikos

The musical and Spanish dancing "Sevillanas Flamenclorikos" special presented Wednesday evening in Algiers allowed the discovery of different kinds of Flamenco through a prolific hiking with the elegance of movement and the strong look.

The scene of the Aissa Messaoudi Auditorium of the Algerian Radio vibrated for about 80 minutes, under the uninterrupted rhythms of Flamenco in its various configurations and through a specially designed program for Algeria.

Flamenco, classified in 2010 as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was presented in its different rhythmic variations including Jaleos, Sevillanas, Bulerías, tangos, fandangos, Solea por Bulerias and Alegrias.

While alternating at times with dance tours, Patricia Prieto singing with her husky and powerful voice, performed several pieces of Hispanic Heritage, citing the intensity of love, life in its joys and sorrows, nostalgia and the attachment to the land. For her part, Sara Nieto, star dancer, pulling different kinds of Flamenco dresses representative of each region, embarked on a game of seduction with her partner Serena Manuel.

With the grace in the movement, choreography, made duo or solo, were performed in a steady rhythmic style, calling the contraction of all muscles of the body under a piercing look, hung on a firm and determined face.